Thursday, April 26, 2012

The big clear out

This time a year ago I was busy trying to sort out 25 years worth of accumulated junk. To start off I was pretty strict, but as soon as we knew that we would have a large loft to store things in I started to keep more and more. It was a mistake really and I know that one day I’ll be cursing myself for keeping so much.

 I discovered that a local charity would collect furniture in reasonable condition and electrical equipment in any state to be stripped down and renovated or used for spare parts. I had to let my electric cooker go and the freezer in the garage needed throwing out anyway. There was also a chair that was too big for out new home. I took apart some of the furniture which was past its best and we took it to the local tip.

Despite all of my hard work there seemed to be so much to take with us and so much to do. I’m not fond of housework so there was 25 years of dust and memories to clear away and clean. I found one missing earring and wondered what happened to the other.

The home we were leaving suddenly seemed to grow in size as the time went on and it was de-cluttered.

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